Friday, May 05, 2006

Call of the week - for sure!

I was sitting in an Anatomy and Physiology lecture yesterday feeling very tiresome and un-motivated when I was shocked into concentrating when my lecturer started talking about Peritoneal muscles and the Tena Pad adverts on TV (yes - in the same sentence?).
I was starting to think that she was very passionate about this topic after 5 minutes of her ramblings, and this was confirmed with her admitting it out loud (She is very blunt to say the least).
After another 10 or so minutes as she discussed contractions, exercising and the purpose of these muscles (as well as what happens when a uterus turns inside out - ?!?) she apologised to the few boys in our lecture because, lets face it; she didn't leave a lot about to the imagination.
This guy, Josh, who's a complete hero in my Lab class, and for the sake of this story is openly gay, said:

That's ok. I'm anti-fanny anyway.

Needless to say - I laughed.

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