Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Does it look like I need a doughnut?!

Well, yesterday I decided to give something back to the community for once and I gave blood. How could I not when it was being shoved in my face by the Red Cross parking their huge blood bus on University grounds?!
After a questionnaire (asking if I'd ever had male to male sex) and an interview (asking how fat I was and comparing it to my not tall enough height) a rather nice lady jabbed me, had a dig in two different veins, then handed me over to her superior who mined around in my other arm - until she finally struck blood.
After chilling for about 10 minutes whilst 470 mLs seeped from my body into a little plastic bag, I got some suicidal looking bandages and moved onto the end of the van.
An old lady, in a slow, tired voice, offered me a drink water and then ran through the entire menu; all of which was in the top of the food pyramid. Very politely, I declined.
Shoving a tray of slimy-looking iced doughnuts in my face, she rasped "Have a doughnut!" in a husky, smoker's-cough sort of voice.
Does it look like I need a doughnut?!
I left after that.

And so, in light of my donation to community, I took advantage of this motivation and agreed when Jard asked me to spot light for the Theatre Company's latest production. So poor weary me went along to the rehearsals and got roped into staying for the entire run of the show to practice my cues - Mind you, I was absolutely famished after turning down that sinful glazed doughnut and suddenly found myself being offered a slice of oily, dripping pizza!
Does it look like I need it?!
And so it caused me to ponder; people are not offering me this enlarging food because I need the calories, but because they believe this fat will fit right into my regular diet...
I can't help that I'm lazy, I comfort eat and that my body mistakes healthy food for fat... It's just not my fault!!!

So will everyone please stop feeding me because I actually have learnt how to do that in my 18 years of digestion?!

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