Saturday, August 05, 2006

I've got your back!

At work we sell these coloured wrist bands with the proceeds from each sale going to Juvenile Diabetes research. I hate them; probably because I hate all charity bands and see many of them as an exploitation of the definition of 'charity'. Anyway, in today's five hour shift the law was laid down that I had to sell at least ten of these things.
I asked every customer; most declined politely, some made up excuses such as 'I have heaps at home', and there were twelve people that actually caved in and bought them just to shut me up.

There were two customers however, who had the most original yet offensive excuses one could possibly provide:

Me: Would you like to support Juvenile Diabetes and purchase a wrist band for just $2.95?
Customer: No - If the fat kids ran around more then they wouldn't get diabetes and you wouldn't have to raise money.
Me: It's actually Type 1 Diabetes - You don't get it from being fat. You get it from really bad luck in your gene pool.

Me: Would you like to support Juvenile Diabetes and purchase a wrist band for just $2.95?
Customer: No I only donate to Cancer ones - Because I actually have a chance of getting that.
Me: That's a rather cynical way of living life.
Customer: Oh crap - I hope I didn't jinx myself. Touch wood, touch wood!!

I had never thought of that analogy before - just because it can't happen to us personally; does that mean we shouldn't care?
Well, obviously being stupidly misinformed and an asshole gives you license not to.


Anonymous said...

haha, now is funny and kind of really selffish at the smae time. still...

Thats funny
I like that.

Hope your heart is staying warm with the extra layer.


Anonymous said...

some people are so stupid! its funny for us tho! ;)
love you long time