Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I feel as if my insides have been painted blue, and the more time that passes the more the paint dries.

Revelation? Not really, but it's ironic that Mrs Boss healed me more than the therapy I paid for.

Monday, March 22, 2010

To Me, From My Heart

Today I wrote a letter to no-one that started with:
If I could write a letter bearing what is encrypted in my heart, I wonder what it would say?

Even after writing seven pages, I still don't think it made anything make sense or make any kind of point. Waste of time?

Friday, March 19, 2010

Postsecret Ponderings

We have already established my Postsecret addiction, so here is a one-liner from the archives:

The moment you feel like giving up, just remember why you held on for so long.

If only I knew.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


My past 48 hours have primarily been spent shopping. As the new winter collections have just been released into the stores, I was able to peruse and ponder this season's looks. Perhaps not such a good idea the day after payday.
So after 2 days, numerous blisters and hundreds of shops (and dollars - shh!), these are my observations of the must-haves this winter:
  • Cropped jackets
  • Long cardigans/knitwear
  • Animal print
  • Leggings
  • The colour purple
  • Fingerless biker gloves
  • Studs
  • Silk scarves
  • Hounds tooth print (I am a little excited by this actually)

So I wait for the colder weather to set in so I can trial my new outfits on everyone else's judgemental eyes. Until then, I will admire the beauty of Yves Saint Laurent's new wallet. It is so Parisienne Chic:

Sunday, March 07, 2010


Even on a day like today, when I think I feel as bad as one can, I can still see the beauty in this secret. It makes my heart a little less heavy, even if only for a second.

Saturday, March 06, 2010


There are things that people say they can't like without; perfume, movies, their dog or cat, coffee. And there are people that they couldn't live a life without too; their husband, girlfriend, mother or best friend.
It makes me wonder what it is that keeps me alive? There used to be token things that made me smile and lift my heart. When I had a bad day and Mr T would leave Ferrero Rochers in my locker, it somehow made all the shit worth it. When Miss Priss and I could relieve the weight of the world by singing loudly and out of tune in the car. When performing the words of Sylvia Plath won me gold medals and made my heart proud with truth.
So what is it now; namely today, that keeps my heart beating? Gone are my days of drama eisteddfods and best friends and chocolate. With years our lives morph into only fragments of our past, but I'm not sure what I have become.
I mask myself to everyone, creating a false me for all to see. But I think I've done it for so long that I've forgotten what's really inside, because it has been buried deep within the layers of years of lies and it's too deep to ever be found.
Is that why I can't find what makes me happy? Why people tolerate my existence but never chase me for company on the weekends? Why I distract myself in any way possible to avoid the loneliness and pain in my heart and boredom that I feel when I just stop? Why I can't stop thinking about dying and letting go of all that is pinning me down, and no matter what I try it seems the only rational escape?
So I ask again; what is it that I cannot live without? Distractions? Noise? The diversions I create for myself to put off any more bloodshed? There is no-one that I couldn't live without. Not because I don't love or care for anyone, but because I won't let myself become dependent on anyone; no matter how close a friend they may become. If I did, and were to lose them I would always blame myself. And I couldn't bear to love someone more than they could ever love me.

And just because it is relevant, here is a Postsecret post-script from :